This page will inform you of the manners in which you may contact us in order to submit your signal for acts of corruption and/or conflict of interest for officials of Executive Agency “Bulgarian Accreditation Service”.


According to the definitioncorruption is "requesting, offering, giving or accepting, directly or indirectly, a bribe or any other undue advantage or prospect thereof, which distorts the proper performance of any duty or behaviour required by the receiving bribe, the undue advantage or prospect such. "


Conflict of interest is shown a form of corrupt behaviour, in which there is a conflict between personal interest and duties of civil servants who may be affected in making specific decisions.
The main feature of the conflict of interest in public administration is that it represents a point of intersection between the public interest and private interest.

The requirement for civil servants of impartiality, objectivity and unprejudice in the performance of their duties and their personal behaviour to achieve private objectives and implementation of private interest, when due to his official position may influence a particular management decision is the intersection between public interest and private interests, i.e. there is a situation of conflict of interest. 

The Code of behaviour of employees of state administration indicates the behaviour which each employee shall have: 

- Not to participate in the discussion, preparation, making and implementing decisions when he or affiliates in the meaning of § 1 of the supplementary provision of the Law on Civil Servants are affected by the respective decision or when has relations with the stakeholders giving rise of reasonable doubts in his impartiality. 

- Not to take advantage of his official position to implement their personal or family interests.

- Not to participate in any transactions which are inconsistent with his position, duties and functions.

Processing of the signals and proposals

The received signals and proposals are analyzed and estimated by EA “BAS” and the Inspectorate of MEET in compliance with its powers according to the Law on administration and the Structural Regulations of MEET.

Please submit your signals for facts and circumstances which you have ascertained personally or you have the relevant documents. We would appreciate if you send us also evidence of the violations you have ascertained.

When submitting signals under the order regulated by the Administrative Procedure Code, you should be aware that according to Art.111, par.4 of the APC:

- For violations committed more than two years ago, a legal proceeding will not be constituted;

- A legal proceeding will not be constituted on anonymous signals.

It is desirable that you leave sufficient data for indication and feedback: three names, exact address, and telephone number.  

We depend on your correctness when providing your personal data, as the authenticity of the identification will be verified and if ascertained discrepancy in the written data (for instance – false telephone number and/or names, non-existing address), your signal will be considered as anonymous!

Forwarding according to competence:

If your signal for corruption is not related to EA “BAS”, but concerns another unit of the state administration, it will be forwarded according to competence to the competent authorities within a 7-day term from its receipt.


You may submit your signals:

1. Directly to the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism

2. To Executive Agency “Bulgarian Accreditation Service”