EA “BAS” organizational structure

EA "EBAS" functional scheme


EA "BAS" is managed and represented by the Executive Director.

The administration of EA “BAS” is organized in  “Administrative, Legal, Financial and Economic Service” Directorate, and  “Accreditation of Laboratories and Bodies” Directorate.

•The “Administrative, Legal, Financial and Economic Service” Directorate is managed and represented by a Director.
•The "Accreditation  of Conformity Assesment Bodies” Directorate is managed and represented by a Director and incorporates the following departments:
- “Accreditation of Certification Bodies and Inspection Bodies” Department, managed by head of department;
- “Accreditation of Laboratories” Department, managed by head of department; 

Accreditation Council, joining the effort of 25 members, is established to the Executive Director of EA “BAS”. The Accreditation Council consists of representatives of organizations, sharing an interest in accreditation: producers, consumers, and governmental and public organizations of accredited laboratories/bodies, research and development institutes, universities and insurance companies.

The Accreditation Commission /ACom/ to Executive Agency “Bulgarian Accreditation Service” is authorized to make formal statements on matters concerning granting, refusal, reduction, temporary suspension or withdrawal of accreditation. ACom members’ team is permanent. It is composed of permanent teams for each scope of accreditation. Meetings of ACom are summoned by Order of the Executive director of the Agency for each particular case.

The Appeals Commission /AppC/ to Executive Agency “Bulgarian Accreditation Service” is authorized to take final decision with regard to the rightness of any appeal, submitted to EA “BAS” concerning decisions of the Executive Director related to the accreditation procedure. AppC members are an odd number at least 3 persons, two of them are permanent and the others according to the type /scope/ of the applied appeal.

Technical Accreditation Comeetees /TACs/ is established to EA “BAS”, and their activities are based on proposals and decisions about the accreditation activity. Technical Comeetee "Good Laboratory Practice" /TC "GLP"/ is established to EA "BAS".

A Mediation commission has been established to EA “BAS”, which assists in solving disputues, regarding accredited activities, raised between accredited entities, accredited entities and their clients.